Wednesday 1 October 2014

Technology is the ultimate answer if we want to add excitement and students’ engagement in our lesson. Utilizing and combining graphics, video, and audio can address varied styles of learning in a more effective way and be a remarkable support to English language learners. 
There are 8 conditions to promote language acquisition as listed by Egbert, Chao, & Hanson-Smith, 1999. In this entry, I would like to draw the readers attention to a few other conditions which seem to be crucial in integrating ICT in a successful teaching. At the same time, I would also like to provide the readers with some conditions that must be avoided while pointing out ways to promote good conditions when using digital technology tool(s) to teach the English language. 
In my opinion, intrinsic motivation in both learners’ and teachers’ must be present for language learning to take place when using ICT. For instance, some teachers refuse to use ICT in their lesson due to their work load or they could be in the midst of completing their syllabus and would prefer to focus on that rather than learn new methods of teaching. They feel that the conventional method of teaching and learning has done the trick for many years and they do not wish to change that. On the other hand, the students themselves may not be interested in the given task, either because it is too easy or too difficult for them to carry out. These situations may affect the language learning. Therefore, intrinsic motivation is very important in order to promote effective learning. 
 The next condition would be the accessibility of the Computer Laboratory in school. Students must be allowed access to the computer labs during language subjects. Unfortunately, in some schools it is difficult for the teachers to take the students to the lab. Normally, the teacher- in -charge for the lab will not permit other teachers to use the lab except during the computer lessons. This is because they are afraid that when too many students use the computer labs, it will either malfunction or be infected with virus. If this happens, the school will have to incur the loss and the computer teacher will have to answer to the school administration. To avoid all these issues, the computer teacher sets very strict rules and this makes it difficult for the language teachers to access the computer labs during their lessons.  
Apart from that, it is also essential that the students have basic knowledge of the language (simple syntactic structures) and computer skills for ICT to be incorporated in the learning and teaching process. This is because the applications that are used will all be in English and if the student does not understand basic English he/she will not know what to do and as a result of that will not be able to benefit from that lesson. They must have knowledge on how to operate the computers/applications efficiently. If the student does not have basic knowledge when it comes to operating computers/applications, they will not know how to use it and hence, the teacher will not have achieved his/her objective for that class for the day.  
Let us now look at the conditions that must be avoided when incorporating technology in teaching. First on the list is, we must make sure that the technology that is about to be used does not malfunction. In order to do that, it is absolutely essential that the teacher in charge, checks the condition of the device before introducing it to the students.Other than that, we should avoid using applications that are too complicated for a learner. As teachers, we must remember that not all our students are of the same competency level. Hence, we have to introduce applications that are not too complex. Granted, some students who are more competent will find these programs easy. But we have to remember that it is our duty to make sure all the students know what is going on in class. If we only focus on the good students than the students who are of average or low competency level will develop low self-esteem or anxiety.

Another very popular problem that the teachers face is plagiarism. In this modern world, information is at the fingertips of the students. Due to that, the students tend to plagiarize. They must learn to be honest in producing their work by using technology. This falls back to the moral upbringing of the students themselves. So, it is the responsibility of the parents and teachers to instill good moral values in these students.            
In addition to that, the teacher should avoid having very high or low expectations on learners’ ability. For example, the teacher expects his/her student to come up with outstanding work by using technology. When, the teacher evaluates the student’s end product and it is not up to the mark, the teacher will feel disappointed.
 Lastly, I would like to suggest a few ways to promote the good conditions when using digital technology tool(s) to teach the English language. The given task must meet the learner’s interest. Second, the applications/ programs must be user friendly. Last but not least, the teacher must monitor and offer help to those who require assistance. 

 In short, as educators, we are in the unique position to embrace new technologies and use them to enhance curriculum while better engaging each of our students.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your blog entry, Bathuma, and thanks for your insightful ideas on conditions that must be present and avoided when using CALL tools for language learning. We are all aware of the benefits and limitations of technology, however, our approach in using/or not using are so different. Some accept them wholeheartedly, some reject them with disgust. All of these things happen as the higher power and (more importantly) our students are already using them in their personal or professional lives. Where can we find the balance between using ICT and not using ICT; and how can use ICT without becoming too reliant on them? I think your blog entry has provided quite a number of ways to answer these questions. I also think that, as teachers, we need to realize that we are most influential person in the classroom (when it comes to teaching) and that the ICT tools are just that--tools (for us to use in our teaching).
